LiteDB On Xamarin Forms

LiteDB On Xamarin Forms

Hello guys what’s up ?. When building a Xamarin Forms application, persisting data locally is done mostly with SQLite. SQLite is widely used to persist data in mobile applications. While SQLite is widely used and there are libraries which function as ORM for interactions with SQLite databases in .Net applications, you may need another solution to persist your data. For one reason or another, you may want to persist your data with a NoSQL database instead. I have been using SQLite, on every mobile app which I needed to persist data on. But I needed something different, which works better for me.

Then I asked the all mighty Google. He gave me the perfect solution to LiteDB.

What is LiteDB

As stated on the LiteDB Website, LiteDB is serverless database delivered in a single DLL (less than 350kb) fully written in .NET C# managed code (compatible with .NET 3.5, 4.x, NETStandard 1.3 and 2.0).

Lite DB was inspired from MongoDB and it is extremely easy to get started with it. And obviously, it is a NoSQL database. LiteDB stores documents in the BSON (Binary JSON) data format.  Enough introduction, let’s get started with implementing LiteDB on Xamarin Forms.

LiteDB on Xamarin Forms

LiteDB is compatible with .Net Standards 2.0, Xamarin.iOX, Xamarin.Android, and UWP thus can be used to build Xamarin Forms applications. Here is how it is done.

What we will be doing

  • Create a new Xamarin Forms app and install LiteDB
  • Build a very simple Todo app
  • Integrate LiteDB to persist data in our Todo application.

Here is the source code for this tutorial.

Create a new Xamarin Forms app and install LiteDB

  • In your Visualstudio IDE, Create a new Xamarin Forms application
  • Open nuget package manager window at the solution level
  • Install the LiteDB 4.1.3 package

This Xamarin Forms application to help you manage your expenses and income was built entirely with Xamarin Forms and ReactiveUI. You can download and use it or play with it for free on Android and Windows 10 (Universal Windows Platform). You can get it on Playstore, or on the Microsoft Store

Follow me on social media and stay updated Once you have installed the package, we need to determine where exactly our databases will be stored. And we do so on every platform. We will do this with the Dependency service provided by Xamarin Forms. (NB: I used this approach per platform to safely get a valid location for my database. And avoid any issue related to where the database file is stored on each platform).

  • Create an interface and name it IDataBaseAccess. As follows :

  • On UWP implement this interface as follows :

  • Android

  • iOS

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Lets Build a very simple Todo App

In other to really demonstrate how to use LiteDB on Xamarin Forms we need to integrate data access in a real app. So we will do so with a very simple to do application. This application is almost the same as that which we built to demostrate ReactiveUI on Xamarin.Forms. If you want a detail guide on building the sample app or to learn more about building a Xamarin.Forms app with Reactiveui, check it here.

  • Add a reference to Reactiveui’s nuget package on Xamarin Forms. At the Solution level.
  • The app’s page will be very simple. A ListView to display todo items, a textview and a button to create to do items.

  • Create a ViewModel named TodoViewModel and here are the properties bound to the View

    Integrate LiteDB to persist data in our Todo application.

    Integrating LiteDb in our Xamarin Forms app will be very easy. LiteDB use Collections to access data.

  • Create a new class named LiteDBService<T>. This will contain basic code to access our data.
  • In this class’ constructor, we instantiate a LiteDabase object by passing it the path to our database (We use the dependency service to get the path from each platform).
  • From the LiteDatabase object, we get the collection of data of type T. If this collection does not exist in the database, it is created. Here is how it is done in code.

Here is the full code for this service.

  • This service is just the base, now let us customize it to suit data operations on todo items. to do so, we create a class which inherits from out LiteDb service.

  • Each item saved in LiteDB has an Id property to uniquely identify it. So You need to tell LiteDB which property on our object will act as it’s ID. You can do so using attributes or a mapper. Here we will use Mappers. For our todo items, the ID property has to be considered as its ID, so let’s say it to LiteDB.

  • Before saving an Item in LiteDB, we have to assign its ID a value, this will be done using GUIDS which are randomly created in our code. And, this is done before saving the Todo Item. Here is the full code for this class.
  • Here are the Crud operations in LiteDB

  • Now, it is time to use this service in the ViewModel to save data.
  • Create a TodoLiteDBService object to access data.
  • When  a new Todo item is created, this object saves it. When it is set as done, the object updates it. And when the view model is created, the todo items in the database are loaded. Here is the code for these operations.


With this, you have a sample application which shows how to use LiteDB on Xamarin Forms to persist data. Here is what this sample should look like on UWP.

LiteDB on Xamarin Forms Demo

LiteDB on Xamarin Forms Demo

You also have to possiblity to access the data stored in your database and manipulate it outside the app. Use the LiteDB explorer. Access the database files from the paths which we precised per platform above and open these files with LiteDB explorer.

LiteDB on Xamarin Forms LiteDB Explorer

LiteDB on Xamarin Forms LiteDB Explorer

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