This is a short article with a solution to a problem I couldn’t find on the internet. I upgraded VS for Mac to version 17.4.5 recently, and upgraded Xcode to the appropriate version as stated in the docs ( As it happens often, I had a bad surprise after this. I tried uploading an app to Appstore but I came across a mystical error from VS for Mac, and I had no clue how to resolve it, because the message it showed me was not explicit. Here is what it looked like:

After a google search, I saw suggestions stating that it might be due to one of the following reasons:
- Invalid certificates (I checked but my certificates were ok)
- Increase the app version in the info.plist, I did increase but nothing changed
- Use the plutil tool to validate your plist files. I did it but nothing worked
There were more, but I won’t continue listing, let’s go to the solution.
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The Solution
After hours of researching, I decided to try uploading the app without visual studio. I did that, and everything worked perfectly fine, the upload went smoothly. To do the same, follow these steps.
- Build your Plist file in Visualstudio as usual, with a valid production certificate and provisioning profile
- Once you have a signed IPA, download this software on you Mac The name of the software is Transporter it is made by Apple and facilitates the transfer of your IPA to the store:
- Login to your App Store connect on the app
- Follow the instructions in the app and locate your plist file, then it will upload it to the store for you.
- If there is an issue with your app, it will give you an error message stating the precise issue
- If your app is ok, as in my case, the upload will just go on smoothly.
I’ve been building Xamarin Apps for about 7years now, but the constant thing about this Xamarin ecosystem throughout the years is the surprises you get when updating the development tools. I love Xamarin/MAUI but, I’ve grown to be afraid of upgrading my VS for Mac, I ignore every update until I’m forced to because very often something that worked today might stop working. I hope this short post helped someone out there.
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